Your advocate to the university and government
You can learn more about our advocacy efforts here. We also strive to enhance Athabasca University graduate student life and services; we do this in a number of ways, including providing valuable resources.
Mission Statement
The Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association provides student services and representation for AU graduate students through university and government relations with the mission that graduate-level education at AU is accessible, affordable, and of outstanding quality.
Vision Statement
The AUGSA is dedicated to a future where graduate-level education at Athabasca University is accessible, affordable, and of outstanding quality.

Athabasca University Graduate Student’s Association (AUGSA) was formed in 2005. In the early years, AUGSA worked on creating a solid foundation for governance for the future.
In 2009, AUGSA began to charge membership dues, thereby allowing the Association the funding it needs to successfully advocate on behalf of graduate students and engage in service provision.
The Athabasca University Graduate Students’ Association is governed by the GSA Council, consisting of three Executive Committee members and eight Student Council Representatives, two from each faculty. Each year, the GSA holds official elections for Council positions in January through March.
The GSA Council is the governing body of AUGSA, and guides the Association in terms of student representation and policy governance. There are two Council Member representative from each Athabasca graduate program. The Council represents the whole of AU Graduate Students, and students can be elected to a Council role from any graduate program. In addition to the GSA Council, AUGSA has one full time employee, the Executive Director, who supports elected GSA students in carrying out the Association mandate.
Monthly GSA Council meetings are open to the general public and AU students to observe. Please visit our events calendar to see when our next meeting will be held.
Follow our social media pages to get up to date information on all things AUGSA.